The collision of archaeology, cycling, and aortic valve repair


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About Me

I started this blog calling myself the fat archaeologist. I ripped the idea off from another blogger, the Fat Cyclist, who used the name and the blog as motivation to get in shape. When I started this blog in January I weighed 206 lbs and was obese according to my BMI. I know, I know. I am an archaeologist, I run around the world adventuring. I shouldn’t be obese. I also started this blog because I wanted to get into cycling. I follow it as a sport and want to do it. I have a mountain bike and when I started I was too fat to ride it very much. I’ve since lost about 22 lbs and just finished a 16 mile bike ride. To honor my accomplishments and to carry on the satirical vibe of my blog, my wife changed the title to the Phat Archaeologist. I love the pure ridiculousness of a middle-aged, white archaeologist using an out-of-date gangsta term. So now I am the Phat Archaeologist and I am all that, fo shizzle, yo!