The collision of archaeology, cycling, and aortic valve repair


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Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Ode to Stinky Food

Why do my cats love you so?
Shades of Brown, gray, or pink
Lumpy, unrecognizable, vaguely meat-textured
Taste-tempting flavors like Ocean Whitefish and Turkey Giblet with Gravy
You seem so delicious
Why, oh why do you smell so bad?
Your aroma fills my house
Overpowering synthetic meaty smells
Lingering long after the feast has ended
Why don’t they eat you all up?
Are you too good to finish?
You stick like meat cement to the plate
Brown and crusty remains
Even past your prime, your aroma stays
Every day the cats beg
Cries ring out for stinky food
Every day my daughter obliges
Faux meat for all her friends
Revisiting the gastronomic Bacchanal
Oh cat joy bringer, oh meaty treat
Why do you smell so bad?
Alas, your days are numbered
My sweetheart disapproves


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