The collision of archaeology, cycling, and aortic valve repair


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Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Its All About the Fat

Today I weighed 189.4 and for the past three days I’ve weighed in under 190. So I feel safe in thinking that I’ve lost just about 16 lbs so far. I won’t lie. I’m pretty happy with that. The funny thing is that I continue to lose weight even though I really haven’t exercised consistently for weeks. Sure, in our new house I do walk more and have been going on pretty long walks with the kids at least a couple of times a week. With no TV I haven’t been able to sit on my butt, shove food in my face and passively rot my mind for hours on end. I’ve been forced into being more active. So maybe all of that helps. Plus I now live in the cool part of town where everyone exercises and is skinny. Maybe the aura of the place is rubbing off on me. I know I’ve become instantly cooler since moving here. I’ve certainly gotten better looking since moving here. So why would I become skinny just as fast?

I am off to the Society for American Archaeology conference in St. Louis today. It will be my first conference since I’ve changed my diet and started losing weight. At conferences I tend to drink a few beers and eat big lunches and dinners (and skip breakfast because I am rushing off to attend papers). That sort of behavior could really mess up my weight loss thing and I don’t want to do that. At the same time, I do want to at least enjoy the conference a little bit. Some of the thrill of going to a conference would be lost if I just drank herbal tea from an eco-friendly metal bottle and munched on carrots for dinner. I’ve got to drink at least a couple of heavy, carbo-laden beers and have at least one good, glutinous dinner filled with fatty meats and white potatoes. Mmmmmm, I can't wait!

We’ll see how I fare. I’ll be back for the weigh in on Saturday.


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