The collision of archaeology, cycling, and aortic valve repair


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Saturday, July 24, 2010

Real Improvement Fast--Guaranteed!

I’ve stumbled upon a fool proof system for making significant leaps forward in both speed and distance as a cyclist. It is a program I developed quite by accident, but I can attest to the results it provides. This is a program designed for those just starting out in cycling. If you are an established cyclist, this won’t work for you.

This system is based on following two rules for at least the first month of your cycling career. And I am going to share them with you now….for free…because I am a giver.
1. Pay No Attention to Nutrition
When you start cycling, don’t worry about eating before you go ride and DO NOT eat anything while you are riding. Also, don’t concern yourself with replacing electrolytes while you ride. When you are finished, don’t worry about eating to facilitate recovery. Keep this up for as long as you can. Then, go and do some reading about cycling nutrition. Follow suggestions about eating before, during and after your ride. Also, get some sports drink and drink it along with water and food during your ride.

Once you make that shift to proper nutrition, you’ll be amazed at your results. Once I started paying attention to nutrition, I was able to ride significantly longer, enjoy the ride more and also ride at a faster pace without any increased effort or suffering.

2. Pay No Attention to the Pressure in Your Tires
Just like with the food, just don’t worry about your tires. If they seem to have air in them, let them be—just power on following your chosen program of rides and distances. If it feels like you are riding in sand, just keep your head down and work. Then after at least six weeks, take a look at what your tires really require. Then go to a local gas station and fill them to the appropriate pressure.

After you fill those tires to the proper level, you’ll notice a difference right away. That feeling of riding in sand will disappear and you’ll feel like superman on a bike. I guarantee that you’ll see a significant increase in both your pace and the distance at which you can maintain it.

As I said, I discovered this program purely by accident...and out of massive stupidity. After paying attention to nutrition and filling my tires to the proper levels, I actually increased my pace by about 1.5 mph and found I can ride longer distances more comfortably--literally within the span of a week. When you are a dope, you can get the same kind of increases that you might get from doping.


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