The collision of archaeology, cycling, and aortic valve repair


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Sunday, January 17, 2010

Day Zero

So yesterday I wrote my manifesto. Today…I’ve decided to put off the whole weigh in thing until tomorrow. There is something ingrained in workers of the great industrial capitalist experiment that makes it hard to start something new on Sunday. Its not so much the day of rest thing, although that is part of our society’s justification for not giving the surplus value of our labor to the owners of capital on Sunday. Unless you happen to work at Walmart, Target, Publix, convenience stores, restaurants or anywhere else that is not considered a white collar job. Clearly your contribution to our society is so valued that you simply have to pick another day to take off. Left wing, un-American, anti-Freedom, cynics might try to argue that your time isn’t as valued by society and that is why you don’t get a day off. That sort of thinking will drive us all to socialism. What is there to like about socialism? After all what good is a society where every person is equal and shares equally in society, and no one is left behind? This “All men are created equal” rhetoric will be the downfall of American society. Wait, how did I get on this rant? Enough about the world, back to me. I am going to weigh myself and report on it tomorrow. I’ll also schedule a doctor’s appointment tomorrow.


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