The collision of archaeology, cycling, and aortic valve repair


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Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Why is it that every time I go to get a spoon I find that they are all dirty? It’s not like we only have three. We have a bunch, a whole bunch. And it’s not like we wash dishes only once a month. We do them every day or at least every other day. And it’s not like we are a family of 20. There are four of us—two big people and two smaller ones. So what the hell is up with the spoons? Do we have a mischievous sprite in our house that hides our spoons? Do the cats help themselves to the ice cream while we are sleeping? Do we live over a rift in the space-time continuum and does that allow people from a future where there are no spoons to come back and steal mine?

After a lot of reflection and some internet searching, I’ve concluded that this can mean only one thing. Our family diet is focused on things that you eat with a spoon. This would explain the concomitant scarcity of bowls. Generally things you eat with a spoon are also things you eat in a bowl. So what is my family eating? Lots of cereal, grits, yogurt, soup, macaroni and cheese, and other kinds of pasta you eat with a spoon (like gnocchi). That doesn’t sound like it is a very healthy diet. I am the cook. Since I started trying to lose weight I haven’t been eating as much. Since it is my appetite that usually drives me to cook, I haven’t been cooking as much. Also, since we’ve moved to our new house, I haven’t wanted to make anything complicated (and messy) in the new kitchen. The result is a diet concentrated on spoon food. I am troubled by this.

If we are going to be eating mostly simple, expedient foods I need to find some healthier options. I am thinking astronaut food, or maybe the dehydrated foods that hardcore campers and hikers take with them.

Mmmm, looks tasty...

Space food!

 Space Breakfast!
(As a funny aside, my kids and I play a story game sometimes. The rules of the game are that you have to tell a story where the end result is that you've knowingly eaten cat poo, cat pee, or cat vomit. This picture reminds me of that fun story game)

Space Lunch!

While I am on the subject of food, why can’t my body be satisfied with a rice cake? When I get hungry I generally want to eat something small and fast. I’ve been trying to eat things that have lots of protein and not tons of carbs or sugars. So, I eat a rice cake smeared with peanut butter or an apple with peanut butter. So why is my body still wanting something after I am done? What does it want? I am feeding it well and reasonably. Channeling my body, I just got the answer to that question. It would prefer a steak and a baked potato with butter. If I could just keep those on hand so that I could whip them out of the fridge at a moment’s notice. This takes me back to the astronaut food…or dehydrated backpacking food. 

 It's not steak, but is the closest I could find. I can run out to Dick's and buy a truckload!

Or maybe….meat on a stick! My body would be much happier if I just had an endless supply of meat on a stick that I could grab and eat. Most any kind of meat will do.

Well....maybe just chicken and beef, nothing exotic. I won't know how many calories I'm consuming if I go too weird. On the other hand, going weird will keep my kids from eating my stash of meat on a stick.

I think I need to mass produce kabobs and freeze them for fast deployment. I am pretty sure I am on to something.


Dave Sailer said...

Hi. Thanks. This was enjoyable, but possibly more for me than for you. By the way, have you noticed that mouse droppings look just like wild rice?

The Fat Archaeologist said...

Hmmm...we'll have to work the mouse poop into our story game. My kids will never touch wild rice again.

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