The collision of archaeology, cycling, and aortic valve repair


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Sunday, January 2, 2011

A New Year

It is the second day of the New Year and two days in this New Year isn’t too bad. Yesterday I got to do the two things I wanted to do most: ride my bike and eat turkey. I got my long sought after new bike almost two weeks ago, but was too busy to get in a good ride until yesterday. I got a Specialized Secteur Sport with a compact double crank. I took it for a 10 mile cruise on the 25th, but hadn’t done a serious ride since the end of November. I pushed it harder than I should have and to my surprise I did OK. I went my usual 30 mile route and finished it at a 17 mph pace. On the Granny Cruiser that pace would have been impossible. On my new ride, that pace hurt but was doable. I love my new bike. It is so light and quick and responsive. I can’t wait to get back to riding regularly. 

The other thing I wanted to do yesterday was eat turkey. We went to my parents’ house for Thanksgiving, so we didn’t have any leftovers. I really don’t care about having leftover turkey, but I do care about having leftover stuffing. I got up early yesterday, made the stuffing, and put the bird in the oven and went on my ride. I roasted a 10 pound turkey and made enough stuffing to fill the bird and a baking dish. After the ride and some recovery time, we sat down and ate. By the time dinner was over most of the turkey was gone, but most of the stuffing was left! I have enough stuffing and gravy to last for a while and I plan to eat it every day until it is gone. I’ll be fat, but I’ll be happy.

Yesterday was the first day of the New Year and traditionally the one when people make resolutions. I really don’t want to start anything new this year—I just want to do what I do better, bigger, faster than before…kind of like the 6 Million Dollar Man, but without the $6 million and the bionics. So with that in mind, here are my resolutions for 2011:

1. To drink as much if not more coffee than I did last year
2. To sleep as much as I want
3. To drink more beer than I did last year
4. To ride my bike as often, as far, and as fast as I can

I know these are lofty aspirations, but I never forget that I am a role model.

Now, when it comes to riding my bike I’ve got a few goals, too: 
1. Do a century ride (100 miles)
2. Get comfortable riding at 18-20 mph 
3. Become a better hill climber 
4. Ride my bike in three states other than South Carolina

Starting tomorrow, I will ride my bike at least three times a week and also do a core strengthening routine 3 times a week.

It is going to be a great year!


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