The collision of archaeology, cycling, and aortic valve repair


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Sunday, December 4, 2011

Cardiac Rehab, Fat Archaeologist Style

So this week, I started fighting fat creep and began some real physical activity to rebuild what I lost over the past several months. I started out slowly, with some exercises for my arms, legs, and abs—did those Tuesday and Thursday. My legs were really sore, telling me they are in the worst shape of all. I also started back on a reasonable diet—more fruit, fewer carbs, small breakfast, protein lunch and a normal dinner. On Friday I really ramped it up. I’ve recovered enough from my surgery rejoin the brotherhood of the automobile valet. I started working for the indomitable Carlie Gardner Flowers and her fine company Valet Ventures.

Friday night I worked at a restaurant not far from the Statehouse called Cowboy. I hadn’t really worked there much before the unpleasantness of the fall, so it was a little new to me. Compared to some of the other restaurants covered by V2, this one requires a fair amount of running and a long time to park and fetch cars. That makes it hard to process a lot of cars and make a lot of money and keep people from getting cranky because they have to wait to get their car back. I found out after just a little while that the muscle pain I felt in my legs from doing some exercises really did indicate that I had lost a lot of strength and endurance in those legs.

By the end of the night, I felt like I was running in slow motion, in quicksand, wearing lead leg warmers and cement shoes after hiking 25 miles on the Appalachian Trail with my brother (another story). The only other time in my life I can remember not being able to get my legs to work was when I played a game of pick up football in college with some friends after many months of drinking beer and watching TV, I mean studying hard. By the end of the game, I couldn’t lift my legs. The next day the only way I could get my legs into position to drive my car was by pulling up on my pant legs. Needless to say, Friday night I started to get a little worried about what I would be like Saturday…because I had another shift Saturday night.

Surprisingly, when I got up yesterday morning my legs didn’t really didn’t hurt that much. Last night I worked a shift at Mr. Friendly’s in Five Points—at place that requires a lot less running but can get really, crazy busy at the drop of a hat. Mr. Friendly’s is my favorite place to eat and to valet. The wait staff and the managers are the nicest people in the world, and until last night I didn’t realize that they also are good friends. I hadn’t been there to valet since July and they didn’t know I was starting back last night. When I got there, they all gathered around me to welcome me back, shake my hand and hear the story of my surgery. It is hard to underestimate how important it is to know that people care about you. It was an easy night with few cars and my legs felt fine. At the end of my shift, the manager bought me a steak dinner. I realized that I am like a dog. If you give me food, especially a bloody steak, I will be your loyal friend forever. I love Mr. Friendly’s!

So here I sit Sunday morning before my kids get up contemplating what is going to be a crazy day. It starts with some touch football and soccer at a park with a friend and our kids and then goes right into dance practice for my daughter and my son riding on a float in a parade. I can’t wait for the week to start so I can just camp in front of my computer and pretend to work.

I did my weigh-in this morning and discovered I “lost” .4lbs since last week—today I weigh 175.1lbs. I am not surprised that nothing has changed. My body hasn’t adjusted to the diet and exercise changes I’ve made yet and honestly any weight I lose in fat might get replaced by muscle as I exercise. What I really can’t wait to do is get on my bike and do some long rides. I think I need to fetch a few more cars and get some legs back before I can do that, though. 

Do you think a corned beef hash and fried egg feast would slow my rehab?


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