The collision of archaeology, cycling, and aortic valve repair


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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Don't Tread on my Blog

I’ve noticed something disturbing when I look at the traffic on my blog. Over the past month, the most viewed entry was one I did called Don’t Tread on My History. I posted it not quite a year ago, on January 15. In it I talked about how I had always loved the Gadsden Flag—you know, the one that has the snake on it and it reads “Don’t Tread on Me.” I did a short history on the flag and talked about it was being co-opted by a fairly narrow segment of our present-day political that I do not agree with. It just bugs me that I can’t display the flag without being tossed in with a group so contrary to my most deeply held convictions.

Don’t Tread on My History is one of my favorite posts. However, its popularity on my blog space has nothing to do with my clever writing and biting commentary. I know, I am as surprised as you. How do I know? Over 80% of the hits for this posting came in the past month. Any ideas on what has just revved up in the past month? The build-up to the Republican primaries and ultimate nomination of a presidential candidate--debates, the rise and fall of conservative darlings, outrageous bets, (more) sexual harassment, child labor proposals, lots of President hating--that’s what’s been happening. Nothing stirs the heart of a true American (read conservative) like the Gadsden Flag.

Those fine folks who have co-opted my flag are now tuning in to my blog post. You know, the one where I complain about them and their rewriting of the meaning of an important American symbol. They aren’t tuning it to hear me out; they are tuning in to grab a copy of the Gadsden Flag so they can make it their Facebook profile picture or add it to their new blog post. 

I am being eaten. I am feeding the cause I oppose. I feel so dirty.


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