The collision of archaeology, cycling, and aortic valve repair


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Monday, February 20, 2012

Letters to Motorists

Dear Motorist:
It is no safer or less illegal to pass a car when I am coming toward you than it is to veer into oncoming motor vehicles to pass the car in front of you. Have you ever hit a deer? Do you know what my bike and I would do to you and your precious muscle car?
Yours Fondly,
The Human Projectile

Dear Motorist:
The rear view mirrors on your logging truck stick out a foot and a half beyond your truck so next time you pass me please make sure those mirrors clear me too.
Kind regards,
Headless in Columbia

Dear Motorist:
Honking your horn when you come up behind me doesn’t make me or you any safer. I can hear you coming and you see me in front of you.  If you honk your horn, I assume you are going to do something stupid or dangerous and it makes me want to jump into the ditch and kiss my ass goodbye.
Your Friend in Fear,

Dear Motorist:
Screaming out the window as you go by me does not motivate me, it scares me. See my reaction above to people who blow their horn before they pass me.
Thinking of you (every time I mount my bike),
The Scared Cyclist

Dear Motorist:
You can pass me and you don’t have to swing all the way into the other lane to do it. I appreciate your consideration but hovering behind me makes me nervous and makes me think you’ll eventually do something dangerous or stupid like honk your horn, scream, or swing into on-coming traffic.
Always Looking Out for You,
Pedaling Paranoid


Ida from Central PA said...

Dear Cyclist,

I'm sorry about that last one. It's me. But, I don't do it with opposing traffic, mainly because I'm afraid that you've been riding for 100 miles and are about to faint and swerve in front of me. I will hang behind you until such a time that I can pass because I don't want your blood on my shiny, freshly-washed, dent-free car.

Paranoid to Pass

Dear Cyclist,

You worry me when you are carrying your groceries, texting on your cell phone, and/or staring off at the scenery and not exactly driving straight. I will hang behind you rather than be charged with vehicular homicide.

Not serving Time for your stupidity,

The Fat Archaeologist said...

So Ida, that was you back there. At least I know it is someone who won't do anything crazy!

The Fat Archaeologist said...

No doubt there are lousy cyclists like there are lousy motorists. I would say there are fewer of us texting and otherwise being distracted while on the road than those in cars. That said, I would rather you drive carefully around me than have a fit of road rage...something it sounds like you are struggling with right now.

Anonymous said...

Dear Motorist,

No, I will not go through that 4-way stop in front of you, no matter how many times you wave me to do it. You got here first, you get to go first. Don't you know anything? Besides, I'm sure if I went you'd gun it and try to hit me.


Actually most of us do obey the rules of the road.

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