The collision of archaeology, cycling, and aortic valve repair


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Monday, November 26, 2012

Fat Pants

Yes, I said fat pants—the keystone to a well-worn dilemma. The details might be different, but the story is the same. It is getting cooler here in SC and it has now become necessary for me to wear pants. I mean it’s just not becoming for me to show up to teach class looking like Bill Belichick at an early fall practice (you know, shorts and ratty hoodie). I’ve got exactly one pair of jeans and one pair of khakis in my fashion arsenal…and neither fit me particularly well. Sure, they technically fit me. I don’t look like a sausage stuffed into them or anything. But…and there is a big but here…they are snug around my expanding waistline. Snug enough that they are uncomfortable to wear. Whenever I wear them, I am constantly reminded that I have put on about 20 lbs since I bought them last winter.

That brings me to the dilemma. Do I go ahead and buy some new pants that are bigger around the waist and give in to my expansion? I’ll call this the fat pants route. Or, do I keep wearing the old pants and let the low-level torment of discomfort motivate me to stop the expansion? I’ll call this the resistance route. The fat pants route will give me temporary comfort (and improve my fashion arsenal) and is the rational route to follow. However, it pisses me off to go that route—it feels like I am giving in. I feel like I should go the resistance route and torment myself with discomfort so that I’ll get off my butt and do something. This is obviously the stupid, cut-off-my-nose-to-spite-my-face route…and it is the route I am choosing to take.

I rode my trainer for about 50 minutes tonight—in my dark, cold attic—and will alternate riding with some basic push-ups and abs work. And I’ve revived my old mantra…hunger is the path to enlightenment. And I’m getting enlightened right now because I am hungry, damn it.


jen said...

you should never ever ever starve yourself Adam! Your body needs food when it says so. Just eat an apple and not a bag of chips. smart choices. a salad instead of hash on biscuits. and water, lots and lots of water.

The Fat Archaeologist said...

Even if I wanted to starve myself I don't have the will to do it. My body is used to eating whatever sounds good whenever it sounds good. While I change that my body will tell me I am hungry, hence the mantra. For the record, I don't eat bags of chips (but I do enjoy some chips now and again) and I will NEVER give up corned beef hash or biscuits and gravy. They are the fabric of my being.

Ida from Central PA said...

I went the fat pants route.

After returning to my part-time job after 16 weeks of a sedentary, post-surgery recovery, I found that my uniform pants didn't fit. Didn't fit to the point, I was sure that one time when I bent over, I was going to rip out my entire rear ... and NO ONE wanted that (least of all me, who would have my expanded derriere hanging out for the world to see -- and of course you know it would happen on the day when I wasn't wearing the 'pretty' underthings!)

I didn't buy more pants. I went w/ two inexpensive skirts. I wore them, and the machinery had a nasty habit of blowing across the floor, and expanding the skirt like a bell -- thank goodness it was near- ankle length and we did not have any "Marilyn moments." Truth is, I didn't really like the skirts. I only wore them as a temporary measure. [If I had liked the skirts, it could have been a whole different thing!]

I was **thrilled** when I eventually stepped on the scale and saw #10 gone. With trepidation I tried on my uniform pants to find that they fit much better -- still not pre-surgery well, but better!

It's now 9 months post-surgery, I'm 15 pounds heavier than before surgery, but 20 pounds lighter than when I returned to my part-time job. This week I noticed that I had to move my belt over another notch. Two more and I'll be back to my svelte self. ;)

Maybe you can find some wool slacks. Something you 'can' wear comfortably, but don't really like ... something that will give you incentive to get back into your skinny jeans. :) [Check out the local thrift shops for something your size, no sense in busting your wallet for something that you're not going to wear for a long time.]


Anonymous said...

Pushups pushups pushups - no situps - hard on back - pushups work on everything. Water water water helps fill your stomach. and it's math and calories ; too many calories in = too much fat out. Skinny genes; the discomfort will be encouraging. Choices; which do you enjoy more? comfortable skinny clothes or corned beef hash?

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